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Tell us how many skilled workers you need and what trade

Tradesmen International provides construction contractors and industrial companies with North America’s best, safety-minded skilled craftworkers.  We’re able to do so because we have more than 200 construction-specific recruiters based out of our National Recruiting Center and network of nearly 150 local market service teams.  These industry recruitment experts have multiple years of construction experience and are trained to identify top craftworkers who are reliable, verifiably skilled and safety-minded. Each is thoroughly vetted and provided with safety training upon hire. And, we place a satisfaction guarantee on all our craftworkers employees.

More Than a Skilled Staffing Solution

Tradesmen International services extend far beyond providing high-caliber skilled craftworkers, precisely when and where they’re needed. Our field representatives are trained to help you take full control of labor-related costs, to consistently meet six critical business objectives:

  1. Maximize Workforce Productivity
  2. Reduce Hiring Costs and Challenges
  3. Minimize Workers’ Comp Costs and Exposure
  4. Control Rising Benefits Expenditures
  5. Reduce SUTA/Unemployment Costs
  6. Lessen Regulatory Compliance Risk

Right-Size Your Construction Workforce

Our field representatives help clients focus strategically on long-term “workforce right-sizing” – balancing full-time and contingent workers to keep the work-to-worker ratio in perfect balance. At the same time, they provide wide-ranging expertise through our Total Labor Support® services including:

Essentially, we’re a “Construction Labor Support” company with Total Labor Support® services which, individually or collectively, can maximize productivity per dollar of labor to reduce costs by substantial percentages.

Tradesmen not only provides the highest-caliber contingent craftworkers you need for optimum productivity, but also the strategic workforce approach you need for maximum profitability.

Contractors across North America are achieving greater profit margins than ever before by taking full control over labor-related costs by incorporating Tradesmen’s contingent workforce into their overall staffing strategy. See how we can do the same for you – and prove it with hard numbers.

Optimize your workforce and maximize profitability with Tradesmen’s strategic labor solutions. Call us today at our toll free number: 866-TR8-SMEN to see how we can help you reduce costs and boost productivity

Devise a skilled staffing plan today

With a CORE + Flex skilled labor strategy, Tradesmen provides a no-cost labor productivity consultation.

We help contractors plan to run a lean staffing solution comprised of their core full-time workforce. 

Request a Free Consultation